Terms of Reference
International Consultancy
Review and Finalization of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (EPSD) Content Mapping across Teacher Education Training Materials[1] and Recommendations for EPSD integration into further Curriculum Development, Myanmar
I. Background:
UNESCO has recognized the centrality of education in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with initiatives under the name of education for sustainable development (ESD) and launched a new Education for Sustainable Development 2030 framework based on the progress achieved and lessons learned during the previous phases of ESD implementation. ESD 2030 framework is structured around the five Priority Action Areas i) advancing policy ii) transforming learning environments iii) building capacities of educators, iv) empowering and mobilizing youth, and v) accelerating local level actions in view of mainstreaming ESD in education and sustainable development in each country’s context. In the case of Myanmar, the term Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (EPSD) is also used.
The ESD 2030 framework presents a unique opportunity to apply a holistic educational approach to induce positive and long-lasting behavioural changes in support of sustainable development. At present, UNESCO is working to implement the ESD 2030 framework, which also includes integrating ESD themes (including societal, environmental and economic issues) into teacher training materials. The educational materials are stratified according to detail and complexity, moving from basic knowledge and skills to more in-depth knowledge and experience in teaching at particular schooling levels. UNESCO has internally developed the mapping of the EPSD themes across existing teacher training materials. This assignment is to review and finalize the draft version of EPSD mapping and provide specific recommendations and guidelines to teacher training material development at a greater extent.
The tentative schedule for the major activities includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following tasks (with indicative number of days).
- Desk review of the EPSD related documents, including concepts and working definitions of EPSD themes. ( 5 days)
- Review of 14 (primary school specialisation track)/17 (middle school specialisation track) subjects across Year 1 to Year 3 and draft EPSD content mapping, developed by UNESCO which includes existing subject specific EPSD contents across teacher training materials (Year 1 to Year 3), and the scope and working definitions of EPSD themes. (30 days)
- Finalize the EPSD content mapping and provide the concepts/ working definitions of EPSD Themes. (10 days)
- Based on the review of EPSD mapping, provide specific examples of the subject related EPSD contents and themes to be integrated in further development of teacher training material (Year 4). (20 days)
- Provide specific guidelines for EPSD integration into curriculum. Which include examples of how EPSD can be integrated taking interdisciplinary approaches by introducing EPSD related themes, skills, values and pedagogical approaches that are adequate for the specific lessons. (25 days)
- Prepare the final report for the EPSD integration into development of teacher training material (Year 4). (5 days)
II. Work Assignment:
Under the overall supervision of UNESCO Myanmar Head of Office, working closely with UNESCO education team, the Consultant/ Firm is sought to complete the following:
1.Desk review of the EPSD related documents and study of the concepts and working definitions of EPSD themes including draft EPSD content mapping by UNESCO and prepare one-pager of the EPSD themes and definitions for curriculum mapping;
2.Review of 14 (primary school specialisation track)/17 (middle school specialisation track) subjects across Year 1 to Year 3 and finalization of the draft EPSD mapping, developed by UNESCO which includes EPSD themes, and subject specific EPSD content. This should include a review table of EPSD themes across the subject areas based on the syllabi, TGs and TBs; examples of relevant TG and TB content with annotation on EPSD relevance;
3.Based on the analysis of EPSD mapping, provide a set of examples of the subject related EPSD contents and themes, and sample lessons/ resources to be integrated in the further development of teacher training material;
4.Provide the specific guidelines for EPSD integration into curriculum. Which include examples of how EPSD can be integrated taking interdisciplinary approaches by introducing EPSD related themes, skills, values and pedagogical approaches that are adequate for the EPSD specific lessons that have been mapped in Assignment 3; and
5. Prepare a final report for the EPSD integration into development of teacher training material, encompassing the assignments 1 to 4.
III. DeliverablesandTimeline:
The individual Consultant/Consulting Firm is required to submit the following in editable Microsoft Word format in English version by the following deadlines.
- Submit on pager of EPSD themes and definition for curriculum mapping and get UNESCO’s approval by 29th July 2022.
- Submit the first version of the EPSD content mapping, integrated across existing teacher training material (Year 1 to Year 3) and get UNESCO’s approval by 12th September 2022.
- Submit the suggested subject specific EPSD contents and themes and sample lessons/ resources, to be integrated into the further development of teacher training material and get UNESCO’s approval by 28th October 2022.
- Submit the specific guidelines to integrate EPSD into further curriculum development process, which include examples of how EPSD can be integrated taking interdisciplinary approaches by introducing EPSD related themes, skills, values and pedagogical approaches that are adequate for the EPSD specific lessons that have been mapped in Assignment 3 by 30th November 2022.
- Prepare the final report for the EPSD integration into development of teacher training material, encompassing the assignments 1 to 4 by 9th December 2022.
The Consultant/ Firm is required to complete the assignment with quality that meets the satisfaction of UNESCO. The deliverables will be reviewed by UNESCO. The Consultant/ Firm may be requested to re-submit documents if they are not of satisfactory quality within an agreed timeframe upon receipt of the requests.
How to apply
Interested applicants are invited to submit in writing to the UNESCO Myanmar Project Office:
- Technical Proposal clearly referencing “Review and Finalization of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (EPSD) Content Mapping across Teacher Education Training Materials and Recommendations for EPSD integration into further Curriculum Development”, indicating how your qualifications and experience make you suitable for the assignment, the methodology and approach(es) to be adopted to carry out the assignment, samples of previous work and contact detail of three referees and;
- Financial Proposal indicating the expected consultancy fee.
UNESCO places great emphasis on ensuring that the objectives of the work assignment, as described in the Terms of Reference, are met. Accordingly, in evaluating the proposals for the assignment, attention will focus first and foremost on the technical elements. From those proposals deemed suitable in terms of the criteria in the Terms of Reference, UNESCO shall select the proposal that offers the Organization best value for money.
Your application should reach yangon@unesco.org by email no later than 17:00 Hours (Yangon
time) on 30th June, 2022.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted