UNESCO’s Internal Oversight Service – Evaluation Office – seeks proposals from qualified individual(s) to conduct the Evaluation of UNESCO’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic described in the Terms of Reference available on the UN Global Marketplace at : https://www.ungm.org/Public/Notice/162583
The evaluation is expected to take place between February 2022 and October 2022. The estimated effort for this exercise is 85-90 working days.
This evaluation will be an opportunity for UNESCO to take stock and reflect on its response in the wake of the COVID19 crisis. It will identify good practices to be maintained, replicated or upscaled and areas needing further improvement. Lessons drawn from this evaluation should further inform management’s strategic thinking in preparation for potential future crises and improve resilience to future shocks. As such, this evaluation will predominantly focus on learning. The evaluation will also include an accountability element, exploring how well UNESCO responded in its areas of mandate and expertise, mobilized its strengths and knowledge, and worked in conjunction with others.
The evaluation will combine elements of ex-post review, looking back to gauge how well UNESCO responded in the immediate aftermath of the outbreak (the first 3-4 months) with a “real-time” approach, assessing responses with a longer-term perspective and that are still ongoing. In terms of geographical scope, the evaluation will integrate a review of both global responses, for the most part developed at Headquarters, and regional and or national responses conceptualized and implemented by Field Offices.
How to apply:
Interested individuals should submit their application by Thursday 3 February 2022 at 23:59 CET to Ms. Taipei Dlamini, (t.dlamini@unesco.org) with copy to Ms. Mariana Gamarra (mg.gamarra@unesco.org). Please specify ‘Expression of interest – UNESCO Evaluation of UNESCO’s Covid Response’ in the email subject line
Your written proposal should comprise:
(a) A Technical Proposal consisting of:
i. The individual(s) planning to bid on the evaluation. Include updated and abridged curriculum vitae for each person.
ii. A description of how the evaluator cover all the qualifications as defined in the Terms of Reference (1-2 pages)
iii. A statement indicating what experience, practices, areas of expertise and/or specialization distinguish you and make you a good fit for this assignment? (maximum half a page)
iv. 2-3 executive summaries from recent evaluation reports you have completed.
(b) A Financial proposal consisting of the overall cost of the assignment quoted in US dollars or in euros only. Include the daily rates of the consultant (or team members) as well as other overheads or incidentals. (Please exclude any travel as it is contingent on the evolving sanitary situation)